Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pan-seared salmon with citrus glaze. Also orange green beans

When I cooked this a few nights ago, I hit the jackpot on fish done-ness! Absolute perfection. I hope I can duplicate it in the future.

Fish mats:
2 6oz salmon fillets, skin and pin bones removed
3/4c dry white wine
1/4c balsamic vinegar
2 Tbsp orange juice
2 Tbsp brown sugar (I actually used agave nectar, since I have a hard time keeping brown sugar fresh)
2 tsp lemon juice

Green Bean mats:
1/2 lb green beans, ends snapped off and snapped into bite-sized pieces
1 naval orange, peel removed but retained!

For the glaze:
Combine wine and vinegar in a small saucepan over medium-high heat.
Bring to a boil, then reduce by half. It should take about 4 minutes.
Add the orange juice, sugar and lemon juice and return to a boil. Turn the heat down to super-low and simmer for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. The glaze will turn syrupy - you want to be very careful not to burn it. If you're nervous, just turn the heat off and let it sit in the hot pan.

For the fish:
Heat a saucepan on high heat. You want the pan really, really hot.
Brush all sides of the salmon fillets with olive oil. Just a thin coating, use maybe a teaspoon per side.
Sprinkle the top of the fish with 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper.
Place the fish salt-side down in the hot pan.
Season the now-top of the fish with an additional 1/4 tsp salt and pepper.
Sear the salmon for 4 minutes, then flip the fish over and cook the other side for an additional 3 minutes.
Remove from the pan to the plate immediately and let sit for at least 3 minutes (this lets the fish's interior finish cooking from the residual heat without burning the outside)

For the beans:
Take a sharp knife and scrape the white pith off the orange peel. It's somewhat bitter, so try to get as much as you can.
Fill a medium saucepan with 1/2 inch of water, then add the pith-less orange peel to the water. Bring to a boil.
Add the green beans, cover the saucepan and boil for 3 minutes. I like my green beans fairly close to raw; if you prefer yours more cooked, extend the cooking time to 4 or 5 minutes.
Drain the water, remove the green beans to a bowl and discard the orange peels.
Take about half the orange sections and squeeze their juices over the green beans, then toss the juiced husks.
Take the other half of the orange sections, cut them in half horizontally and toss them on top of the beans, stirring well.

I finished off this dinner with a half-cup of wild rice, plated the salmon on top of the rice and drizzled the glaze over top the whole shebang.

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